Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why Hire a Coach?

A coach can help you understand yourself better. Together with Anna you would identify and focus on what’s important to you, where you want to go and most importantly, what’s stopping you?

Coaches work on improving your performance and wellbeing along with setting goals, exploring values and beliefs, and creating plans of action. Coaching is an opportunity look inward and reprogram thoughts that may no longer be serving you.  

Here are just a few areas Anna can help with:

  • Self-management
  • Identifying limiting beliefs
  • Breaking negative thought patterns
  • Motivation
  • Self-discipline
  • Work/life balance
  • Managing stress
  • Confidence
  • Career support

What are the differences between online and in-person Coaching?

Online coaching isn’t any different from in-person Coaching, aside from the much shorter commute! Online coaching has the added benefit of zero traffic, no parking issues and can be done from the comfort of your own home.

Coaching is a supportive conversation and it works just as effective online as it does in physical space.

How Is Coaching Different From Counselling And Mentoring?

Coaching differs from counselling in that its primary focus is on your current emotional and cognitive functioning as well your current motivation and performance. The fastest way to get from A to B is to stand fully in A first – this is what coaching does, first focus fully on where you are at present before making a plan to move forward. Coaching then and only then looks to the future. Coaching like counselling does of course take your previous experiences into account but they are not the sole focus, like they can often be with counselling. 

Coaching differs from mentoring as mentoring is where a more experienced individual shares knowledge with the person being mentored. Mentoring is directive and advise is being given. Coaching on the other hand is non-directive and the premise is that the client is the expect in their own life – once asked the right questions, of course!

How Long Does It Take?

It varies from client to client but Anna suggests investing in 3 sessions to start. Typically clients engage in 4 to 6 sessions and it is suggested that clients take 2 weeks between sessions, but again, this varies from client to client.

What About Confidentiality?

Anna holds her clients confidentiality in the highest regard. Confidentiality is also covered in the initial contract.

What Coaching Approaches Are Used?

Anna uses a variety of different coaching frameworks and psychological theories including but not exclusively Cognitive Behavioural Coaching, Psychodynamic, Narrative Coaching and Person Centered Coaching.

Coaching is both challenging and supportive in its approach. It creates awareness and when necessary facilitates change. Coaching is not so much about telling or advising however through the coaching process, goals, steps and actions are identified and if carried out by the client are the responsibility and choice of the client.

Is Coaching For Personal Or Professional Goals?

Both! Personal and Professional goals have one thing in common – you! Coaching is an opportunity to look inward and to gain a deeper understanding of oneself, once you have a better understanding of yourself – life becomes easier and in turn goals become more achievable.   

What Is Expected Of Me As The Client?

As the client the expectation is to be open with your coach. Communicate with your coach what is or isn’t working for you. Meet with your coach at the agreed times and be responsible for carrying out the actions you have set in each session.

What Is The Role Of The Coach?

Throughout the coaching process the responsibility of the coach is to establish an environment of safety and trust including active and non-judgemental listening and a genuine desire and commitment to help and support the client. The Conversation is bound by client confidentiality and no information that you share about yourself will be disclosed to any persons. 

"Without action, nothing changes."
Daisaku Ikeda